Not back in the saddle
The sacred sacrum
has thwarted my momentum
grounding me to a halt
caged me in this bed, in this head
The Ilium not giving me a thrillium
Skeletons on the brain
Feeling disarticulated
disarticulated skeleton key arrangement
leads me to disarticulated canine skeleton
leads me to disarticulated human skeletons cum weapons
( Francois Robert SEE MORE!)
Residual morphine and morpho and codine drive me deep into google images
nothing else to do
even sleep mysteriously eludes me this 14th night
MORE pain destroyer pleeeaaassssseeeeee!!!!!!!!
More pretty poppies pretty please
last time I was on morphine I dreamt of rabbits
which lead me to make this collage
Hat Warren
Lately I dream only of painted ponies
They start out elegant, psychedelic
slowly they begin to abstract, mishape
until they eventually peel and fade
until they are bare to the bones colourless
and the painted ponies go up and down
we're captive on the carousel of time