finally made it here
heart of Carmanah Valley

but this is end of the story
deep woods in
literally lost in virgin old growth paradise
so first the journey....
I went alone (with Negrita)
a long back-dirt-road drive in the dust
depressing devastation and neglect along the way
but then sweet, pristine lakes and beaches around the next corner
a secret child helper emerge from the woods when I was looking for a campsite
he lead me on logs to shelter
telling me tales of the time when a nail got lodged in his skull
was a magical hot summer afternoon that went on forever
I planned on walking the Carmanah Valley alone the next day
a 4 hour hike in....another 4 back out
but I was unaware that the trail had been neglected for years
starts out like this
sweet little boardwalks
then quickly declines into this
signs posted warned not to go further
dangerous conditions, no marked trail
general natural chaos
a deep dark isolated forest
moments later my guardian angels showed up
wedged between a tree trunk
three teenagers, an 8 year old girl and a single mom
just wearing flip flops and sneakers
instant comrades, we decided not to obey the warnings and go for it
this became our trail
fallen giants, sometimes 10 feet above the forest floor or river
steep, empty creek canyons
and a few coloured pieces of flagging tape left behind
was trecherous and totally exhilirating
we all pushed each other to try and make it to a place marked as 'paradise'
things got real magical
we ate tonnes of these during the walk
they seemed to imbue us with power when wanting to give up
or when fear of being lost in the woods took over
things got super weird
like this "gonad tree"
seemed to simultaneously possess both sexes
finally we reach 'paradise'
deep pools of pure green water
rock shelves everywhere
little fish swimming around our feet
the water was brilliantly cold
some stayed on shore
sunk into the deep moss and rested very tired bodies
half of us went swimming
I was the only one who swam across
took my seat in the sun on a moss rock throne
this unexpectedly difficult and magical journey deep into untouched wilderness
was a definite turning point
it reminded me how very strong physically and mentally I am
it proved that no matter how on my own i am
that there will always be amazing people who show up at the right time in the right place
Carmanha taught me to trust again